The annual Little Feet Foundation (LFF) outreach occurred on Wednesday the 20th December, 2023 happened in the Dorongo JHS where 96 girls were trained on making reusable pads to manage their periods and there was also the distribution of sanitary pads. The team arrived at the school on 9: 00 am and met the staff of the school. The staff after receiving the team organized the students for the activity.
the visit. “We are aware of the challenges adolescents face most especially those in the deprived areas. We have seen some benevolent groups donate pads to students but the question is, what happens the following month when the adolescent is unable to afford a sanitary pad? So today we are here to teach you how to manage your periods and also take you through making a reusable pad, so that in the case where you are unable to afford the one time use sanitary pad, that would come in handy. Little feet foundation has been in existence for over 5 years now with the sole aim of reaching the vulnerable and marginalized groups especially the women and girls in deprived communities. We have organized series of health screening, cloths donations, distribution of educational materials, embarked on nutritional campaigns where women were trained in using cereals in making nutritional meals, they were also trained on bead making and sobolo preparation to enable the women have a source of livelihood. Today we are here to help you manage period poverty.”
The first activity was a talk on menstrual management by Esther a Midwife a team member of LFF. She explained the concept menstruation and took the girls through menstrual health management. After her session Doris the resource person took the girls through the making of reusable pads. The girls were put in 12 groups to work on the pads. A dummy one was created and when the girls proved their worth, they made the pads. The activity lasted till 12 where all groups had completed their task. The team shared softcare pads to the girls, snacks and climaxed the activity with a group picture. The team appreciated the staff of the school and they in turn thanked the team for selecting Dorongo JHS as the beneficiary school. A pack of soft drinks was presented to the Staff of the school by the LFF team.